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Old-Information for students (TItle IX) - test page

Information for students

On this page, Students can find a variety of information related to Title IX.


What is consent?

Consent is a continuous discussion of boundaries between individuals and can best be defined as an agreement between two parties to engage in sexual activity. Consent best happens when there is honest and assertive communication regarding expectations and boundaries. Affirmative consent is a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all parties to engage in a particular sexual activity.


Sexual Contact Must Be Consensual at ALL Times.

Consent to one sexual activity or consent to prior sexual activity does not grant consent in future sexual activity. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. For example, agreeing to kiss someone does not give that person permission to remove clothes or touch other parts of the body.


When consent can no longer be given, sexual activity must stop.

Consent cannot be legally given by a minor, by someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if someone is physically incapable.


Silence or lack of resistance does not grant consent.

If someone is silent or becomes visibly upset during any sexual activity, consent has not been given, regardless of the body’s physiological responses.


Stalking is engaging in a course of behavior directed at a specific person that causes that person to fear for their safety, the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.


Stalking Behavior

Two or more acts of the following (but not limited to), done by the person directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means may be evidence of stalking:

  • Following
  • Monitoring
  • Surveilling
  • Threatening
  • Threatening a person’s physical property


Context Matters

A single isolated incident may not mean much to someone, but if there are behaviors or conduct that involves the following, it could be stalking:


Identifying Stalking Behaviors

Surveillance is a person watching, following, or gathering information about the intended individual.

  • Keeping track of someone’s online social media activity
  • Researching a person
  • Watching/waiting in places the person may be


Intimidation is a person threatening or scaring the intended individual.

  • Direct/explicit threats: “I will hurt you.” “You better watch out.”
  • Verbal, written, or online threats to hurt, embarrass, or cause harm.
  • Using third parties to watch a person.
  • Symbolic violence (i.e. slashed tires)
  • Blackmail/threats to release intimate or private photos, messages, or information.
  • Threats to hurt themselves or the person’s loved ones.
  • Forced confrontations (i.e. standing in the hallway when no one is around).


Life invasion is a person showing up in the intended individual’s life.

  • Spreading rumors or misinformation.
  • Messaging, texting, emailing, or calling the person.
  • Contacting people close to that person’s circle.
  • Showing up in public or private places that person may be.
  • Leaving notes/gifts for that person.
  • Joining groups, activities, or communities that person may be a part of.


Interference is a person sabotaging, attacking, or changing the intended person’s life?

  • Damaging property
  • Hacking into the person’s accounts
  • Impersonating the person online
  • Sabotaging through spreading rumors
  • Causing physical injury



Cyberstalking is the use of the internet or other technology to harass people online. This can occur through emails, text messages, social media posts, GPS tracking, catfishing, with the intention to be deliberate, persistent, and cause fear, stress, and worry.


Stalking and Social Media

The use of social media has created an opportunity for cyberstalking to become accessible and to occur more frequently.


Signs You’re Being Stalked on Social Media:

  • Following the person online by joining the same groups and forums
  • Commenting or liking every post the person makes
  • Messaging the person repeatedly
  • Hijacking into the person’s social media accounts
  • Posting fake photos of the person
  • Receiving explicit photos online


Tips on Avoiding Stalking on Social Media

  • Keep your profile private through your settings
  • Turn off your location while using apps/avoid tagging your location
  • Hide your friends list so stalkers avoid duplicating or contacting your friends
  • Switch up your usernames for different social media platforms
  • Don’t share more information than necessary (i.e. birth dates, relationship status, email, phone number)
  • Delete old accounts
  • Change your settings to not approve messages from people you do not follow


How is Moody Addressing Stalking Behavior?

Moody takes reports of stalking behavior very seriously. First, it is important to recognize the difference between someone exhibiting stalking behavior and someone navigating through campus as they are going to class, study locations, school events, or hanging out with friends.

However, if you feel someone is displaying stalking behavior toward you, the Title IX Office encourages students and employees to report it immediately.

Sexual Assault: Myths vs Facts

Click on each dropdown to find out whether each statement is a myth or a fact.

If you don’t fight back, you can’t really say it was unwanted sexual contact.


If someone experiences unwanted sexual advances while drunk, that person is at least somewhat responsible for letting things get out of hand.


Most sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows.


Some of the primary reasons why victims don’t report offenses include the fear of not being believed, retaliation, and not wanting anyone to know.


How to Help Someone Experiencing Sexual Harasment

How to Help Friends


How to Help Students


How to Help Coworkers


Amnesty Provision

Moody recognizes that students may drink alcohol, use drugs (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary) or engage in consensual sex—all prohibited by Moody’s policies.

As a result, individuals may be hesitant to report incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence for fear of potential consequences for their own conduct.

To help alleviate some apprehension associated with this, Moody’s amnesty provision provides that a complainant, witness, respondent, or other individual will not be disciplined under other Moody policies for potential behavior violations that occur out of the same facts and circumstances as a report of prohibited conduct made to the Title IX Office.

However, during the course of an investigation under this policy, conduct violations of other Moody policies that are unrelated to the incident of prohibited conduct may be discovered.

Moody may exercise discretion in determining appropriate punishment, which may include lesser disciplinary actions than those stated in the relevant policy or take no action at all. Any discretionary determination will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Students Who Become Pregnant

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy or related conditions. Schools must give pregnant students access to school programs and educational opportunities that other students have.


How can the Title IX Office help me if I am pregnant?

The Title IX Office can:

  • Serve as a liaison between pregnant students and professors to accommodate coursework extensions
  • Excuse unexcused absences related to pregnancy or childbirth
  • Follow up on reports related to retaliation against the student due to pregnancy


What is Title IX?


Who does this policy apply to?


Who are Confidential Resources?


What is the difference between Title IX Prohibited Conduct and Non-Title IX Prohibited Conduct?


What is retaliation?


Student FAQs


Do students have to report to the Title IX office?


Can I report anonymously?


What is a complaint?


What is a respondent?


If I experience sexual violence or sexual harassment, who can I speak to?


Something happened to me, but I want to make sure everything will be confidential.


Something happened that is Title IX Prohibited Conduct or Non-Title IX Prohibited Conduct, but I also engaged voluntarily in drug/alcohol use or consensual sexual activity. Will I get kicked out of Moody if I report the incident?


I witnessed a potential Title IX matter, but it did not happen to me. What should I do?


I don’t know if this is anything and I don’t want to pursue anything, but this person is making me uncomfortable.


Initial Meeting with the Title IX Office – (“Supportive Measures Meeting”)

How did the Title IX office get my report if I did not speak to them?


The Title IX Office emailed me requesting to meet, but I do not want to.


If I meet with the Title IX Office, will there be an investigation?


What are supportive measures?


Can I receive supportive measures without filing a Formal Complaint?


Filing a Formal Complaint/Investigative Process

What is a formal complaint?


Will the other party know I filed the Formal Complaint?


Will the Respondent come up to me after he receives the Formal Complaint?


If I file a complaint, what will happen to the Respondent?


I filed a Formal Complaint, but no longer want to continue with the investigation or continue with the Live Hearing.


If I experience sexual violence or sexual harassment, but the Respondent is not a part of Moody’s community or they were at some point but are no longer, should I still file a complaint?


What do Advisors do?


How long does an investigation take?


I reported something to the Title IX Office OR I am involved in a Title IX investigative process, but I have not heard back from them.



Three options for report resolution:
