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‘Giving to Moody Is a Joy’

  • Linda Piepenbrink
  • September 30, 2024

Moody Bible Institute graduate and professor Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody


Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody ’63 considers it a joy to give back to Moody Bible Institute, which prepared her for 25 years as a missionary in the Philippines and then 25 years as professor of missions at Moody. Ironically, she said a decisive “No” to both places at first.

God’s call to missions

“I sensed God’s call upon my life for missions before I went to Moody,” says Elizabeth, who double-majored in Christian Education and Music in a three-year program. “My training [at Moody] really prepared me for when I went to Michigan State to finish my Elementary Education degree and then a master’s in Education Curriculum Design.”

‘Would you go home and pray about it?’

While at Michigan State, she started a Bible study on campus. She also joined SEND International with plans to teach missionary children in Japan. But one day the candidate secretary of SEND called her into his office to tell her that a music teacher was needed at Far Eastern Bible Institute and Seminary in the Philippines. Was she interested?

“No,” she responded quickly, explaining that she didn’t feel qualified to teach college-level music. He told her she would be joining others to lead in the work and asked, “Would you go home and pray about it?”

After praying about her decision, Elizabeth sensed God redirecting her steps from Japan to the Philippines. She began teaching in the Philippines in 1967 in the areas of both music and Christian Education.

“Moody laid the foundation for so much of what I taught at the Bible college those first years,” she says. “I’m so thankful for the solid teaching I had in each of the disciplines at Moody, all of which I used and still use today.”

Moody Bible Institute graduate and professor Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody

Elizabeth Lightbody serving with SEND International in the Philippines

She served on the field for 23 years, teaching music and Christian Education for 15 years at the Bible college. Over time, qualified nationals joined the faculty to assume the courses she taught. Several of them were graduates of the college who had gone on for further training. “To pass on leadership to former students enhanced the biblical principle of multiplication,” she says.   

Then she transitioned to full-time church planting ministry—discipling and training Filipino nationals. “The approach we used at that time involved going door to door, asking people if they would like to study the Bible and handing out a Gospel of John.” The booklet had five lessons to complete, so the team would return each week. When the lessons were complete, the gospel was presented, giving the person an opportunity to become a follower of Jesus.

“It was such a receptive time for people coming to faith,” says Elizabeth, who was soon discipling many new believers.

When the number of believers reached 75, everyone met in a rented gym for services. As the church grew and leadership was established, they moved into their own building. “I had the privilege of being involved with the team in seeing three churches planted,” says Elizabeth, who also worked with Moody students who joined the team for summer internships.

‘Are you in love with Me?’

During a short furlough she participated in Moody’s Missions Conference. After one session, the chair of the Missions Department approached her, asking, “Would you be interested in coming here to teach in the department of World Missions?”

“No, thank you, I really love what I do,” she said. Besides, she was busy mentoring new missionaries and was also in the middle of completing her doctorate in the Philippines.

“I’ll never forget, the next morning as I was sitting in Torrey-Gray, I just started to cry,” Elizabeth says. “I don’t remember what the speaker said to trigger that response, but I could clearly hear what God was asking: Are you in love with missions? Or are you in love with Me?

At that moment she realized she was in love with being a missionary and having the title, but God wanted her to love Him and serve Him wherever He placed her. “When God has our heart, He is able to lead us to His choice place of service,” she says.

Elizabeth surrendered, telling God and Moody she would be willing to be considered for the professor role in Moody’s department of World Missions. She wrote to all her supporters, who agreed.

She was back on the field when Moody called to offer her the position. She said yes, joining Moody’s faculty after completing her doctorate.

Moody Bible Institute graduate and professor Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody


Moody Bible Institute graduate and professor Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody

Preparing Missionaries. Dr. Elizabeth Lightbody helping Moody students in missions courses.

As a professor, Elizabeth stayed active in missions, leading a team of students on six-week internships overseas every other summer and serving on the board of several mission organizations.

Distributing what God has entrusted

After retiring in 2022, Elizabeth taught adjunct while remaining active in her church leading home Bible studies and speaking at conferences, some overseas. She was also committed to the spiritual discipline of giving and included Moody in her support.

“Financially, when I came back from serving overseas, I had limited funds,” Elizabeth says. “But God looks at the heart, not the amount in our giving.”

Over time she invested what she saved with the assistance of Moody’s Investment Department. “God has increased the funds to be able to share His blessings with Moody and other ministries,” she says, adding that all she has belongs to God; she is only a steward.

“Distributing what God has entrusted to me is a privilege,” she says. “And giving to Moody is a joy because I want to see others trained as I was in the Scriptures and in other areas of their giftedness and skills so that they can be God’s servants wherever He places them.

“I feel very humbled to be able to give so He is honored and glorified.”

About the Author

  • Linda Piepenbrink

Linda Piepenbrink is managing editor of Moody Alumni & Friends magazine and is a senior editor for Marketing Communications at Moody Bible Institute.