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You Can Go Home Again

Englewood resident and MTS graduate Ronald Clay has a vision to transform his childhood community
  • by Jamie Janosz
  • November 26, 2024

Moody Theological Seminary graduate Ronald Clay


When Ronald Clay was in elementary school, his father moved the family from their chaotic Chicago Englewood neighborhood to the south suburbs.

“He saw where we lived as a place plagued with violence, hopelessness, sadness, and no sense of purpose,” Ronald says. “My father saw that and wanted more for me.”

What he never expected was that a winding life journey would lead him back to Englewood some 20 years later to work with Englewood Family Outreach—though it took some convincing to bring him there.

“About a year ago I didn’t want to come,” Ronald admits. “I didn’t want any part of Englewood.” When he brought his wife to see the broken-down two-flat in the gang-ridden neighborhood where he was born, she said, “Absolutely not.”

“The kitchen and bathroom were terrible; there was a hole in the roof. It was a mess. But the Lord gave me a vision of what it could be,” Ronald says. “My wife and I went from dreaming of life on the Gold Coast to this reality.”

Ronald finished the renovation of his home in January 2021 during the pandemic. Today, the home has blue kitchen cabinets and a freshly painted yellow door. Clay believes this transformation is only the beginning of what God will do.

“The Lord gave me a vision for the community, just like He did for this house,” Ronald says. “He said, ‘I need you to do the same thing for the community.’ It’s like a ripple effect.”

A winding journey

Ronald grew up as the son of a pastor, but his life took a dramatic turn after college when he was arrested for armed robbery and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Then in October 2012 his father died of a brain aneurysm.

Moody Theological Seminary graduate Ronald Clay and his wife, Natalie

Ronald Clay and his wife, Natalie

“His death led me to Christ,” Ronald says. “I was dabbling in other things in prison, even God’s Word, but when my dad died, things changed for me.”

After his release, Ronald decided not to stay in Kentucky, where he had attended college and served his prison term. He returned to Chicago, residing in a halfway house in Humboldt Park. In August 2017, while riding the CTA bus to work, Ronald noticed a sign for Moody Bible Institute, a historic Christian college on Chicago’s near north side.

One day, he got off the bus at 820 N. LaSalle Boulevard and talked to an admissions counselor. Shortly after, he enrolled in Moody Theological Seminary to study the Bible and prepare for a life of ministry, a 180-degree change from where he had been headed, to complete his Master of Divinity degree.

At Moody, Ronald met Natalie, a student from the Caribbean who would soon become his wife. He also met Daniel Bair and fellow student Justin Francis from Englewood Family Outreach, a nonprofit organization in his childhood neighborhood. As they spoke of mutual friends, one who had recently been shot, they asked him to visit the center and see firsthand the work they do. Their commitment to bring hope and life to the community spoke to his heart.

“Moody is the reason I’m at Englewood,” Ronald says. “The doors that opened to me were doors I already knew.”

Two men, one vision

Today, Ronald serves as program director at Englewood Family Outreach. The center has ministered in the Englewood community for more than 30 years, providing hope and help to residents through after-school activities, outreach events, and Bible studies.

Moody Theological Seminary graduate Ronald Clay and Daniel Bair from Englewood Family Outreach

Ronald Clay and Daniel Bair from Englewood Family Outreach

Ronald lives on-site while serving alongside Daniel, the executive director. The two come from contrasting backgrounds. Ronald is black and was born in Englewood; Daniel is white and came from the farmlands of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

“The last place I ever saw myself was in Chicago,” says Daniel, who has served with the center since 2001. He wants others to see the Englewood he has experienced, not one of grim statistics but of ordinary people who are living in a difficult environment.

Englewood Family Outreach’s motto is Connect. Assist. Restore. Empower. Both Daniel and Ronald have a passion for Englewood residents. They not only want to restore buildings and fill empty lots but provide the community with practical help that allows Englewood’s people and families to thrive.

“A constant thread running throughout the conversations we have with people in our community is ‘We’re not all bad,’” Daniel says. “We hear so much overly negative news. But probably as few as five percent of the people in Englewood are the ones committing newsworthy crimes. They say, ‘We’re here trying to survive, to raise our kids, to do the best we can with our situation.’”

Plagued by problems

Englewood has a long-standing reputation for violence, poverty, and gangs, but Daniel and Ronald see a solution centered on faith and building strong families. For decades, Ronald’s grandfather pastored Blooming Rose Deliverance Church at 6730 S. Halsted Street. But church members in this congregation and many others didn’t often venture outside the parish doors. This lack of connection between church and community involvement is one thing the center hopes to change.

Moody Theological Seminary graduate Ronald Clay at Englewood Family Outreach

Ronald Clay at Englewood Family Outreach

“The number one way to prevent gang involvement is to encourage church involvement in a community,” Daniel says. “The gangs are strongest where the church is weakest.”

Englewood also has the lowest marriage rate in Chicago. Few children are being raised in a two-parent household, which has led to other problems.

“Talking to the children, they don’t even know what wives and husbands are or what a fiancé is,” Ronald says. “The terminology is foreign to them.”

“I don’t know of anyone in the community from the community that’s married,” Daniel says. “Englewood has the lowest marriage rate in Chicago. There are a lot of children being raised without a father. They need the church to step in and guide them. When the church doesn’t do that, the gang will.”

Englewood families need support in order to thrive. “We want to bring truth,” Ronald says. “People want truth. They’re grasping for something different. They’re drowning and need a life raft.”

Seeing a future

Ronald pointed to a vacant lot and abandoned building directly across the street from the center. “The Lord gave me a vision of what this neighborhood could be,” Ronald says. “It was like that scene in The Wizard of Oz—everything went from black and white to color. At that moment, I saw the potential of what it would become. I saw color.”

Ronald Clay during his student days at Moody

Ronald Clay during his student days at Moody

Ronald’s drive and excitement to restore and build the community is palpable and contagious. Currently, the center opens its doors to teenagers who drop in regularly after school to play video games or shoot hoops on the paved court between the two buildings. But the team and volunteers don’t wait for residents to visit. They go to them, venturing out into the community to meet needs and build relationships.

During the pandemic, that meant going house to house with bags of food or rolls of toilet paper. Last week, the center hosted a barbeque, inviting local residents to come together for a meal.

“We have intentionally built relationships with the people our society has most neglected and despised with the goal of restoring them to their communities of church, family, and neighbors,” Daniel says. “We do this through Bible studies, mentorship, discipleship, teaching trades, and other programs while purposefully focusing on cultivating these relationships.”

“We are in the process of building an after-school program,” Ronald says. “I want to reach the young people so their hearts and minds aren’t stuck in their ways. I studied evangelist D. L. Moody in prison. He was a fascinating person to me. Moody’s approach was to spend time with children. He knew how to reach people.”

Investing in the next generation

Ray is a high school student who grew up in Englewood. He came to Englewood Family Outreach in middle school at the invitation of a friend.

“We really need things like this,” Ray says. “Englewood is hard for people who live here, impoverished people. The center is a place for kids like me to come and chill and have fun without worrying about where the next meal might be.”

The center helped Ray begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. “The most I knew about religion was going to church with my grandma on Sunday,” Ray says. “I started going to Bible studies and that was the spark I needed. I’ve seen kids learning about the Lord and having fun. Seeing that helped me. Man, this is a really cool place.”

Moody Theological Seminary graduate Ronald Clay and Daniel Bair

Ronald Clay and Daniel Bair

Ray briefly stopped coming to the center one summer due to problems at home. When he walked by one day and saw Daniel sitting on the porch at the facility, they talked.

“I told them what had been going on,” Ray says. “And since I was looking for a job, so I could have some worth, I asked them.”

Ray eventually served as an intern at the center. “That one question gave me opportunities I never thought I’d have,” he says. “They’ve helped me with a lot. We need more of this. I feel like a new person.”

Englewood Family Outreach has big goals: to build 10 community-focused programs that promote belonging and restore dignity; to see 100 adults with steady jobs giving back to the community; and to involve 300 family members in a local church.

About the Author

  • by Jamie Janosz