Dear Friends,
Thank you for joining Moody for 3 Days of Prayer and Fasting August 1–3 as we ask God to transform the hearts and minds of the next generation.
When it comes to spending time in prayer and fasting, we have no better example than Jesus. Our Savior withdrew from others and from the busy pace of life to spend 40 days communing with His Father (Matt. 4:1–11). During these three days, we will join the entire Moody community to lift up our school and students. We are praying that God will continue to raise up men and women called to bring the gospel to the world and to lead the church with integrity and an unshakable grounding in Scripture.
To help guide your three days of fasting and prayer, we have created an hourly schedule of prayer prompts for the three days. In addition, we have created a Microsoft Teams group where you can join a virtual prayer room throughout these three days (between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. CT) to pray with other Moody team members.
Your participation is deeply valued. While we covet your prayers on behalf of our students, we hope this focused time spent in God’s presence will be a blessing and encouragement to you as well.
Serving Him with you,
Mark Jobe