Statement of Standards
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) ensures students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving and maintaining compliance with minimum academic standards. Federal regulations mandate that all students are required to meet SAP standards as they work towards a degree in order for them to qualify to receive financial assistance. SAP is evaluated on a payment period basis (generally this will be at the end of fall, spring, and summer semesters) and will affect eligibility for the upcoming payment period. Federal regulations require Moody's Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to include the following.
Quantitative Measure (Pace of Progress)
Qualitative Measure (Cumulative GPA)
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master of Arts Degrees, and Master of Theological Studies Degree
Master of Divinity Degree
Maximum Time Frame
Transfer Students
Changing Majors and Second Degrees
Satisfactory Academic Progress Procedures
Satisfactory Academic Progress is reviewed at the end of each payment period. The cumulative academic record at Moody is considered when SAP is evaluated (not just the semesters when financial aid was received). Students who are not successfully completing courses at the pace and GPA outlined above are placed on financial aid warning for the following payment period and will be notified by the Office of Financial Aid. If SAP is still not being met after the warning period, then the student will receive notification from the Office of Financial Aid that he or she is no longer eligible to receive financial aid and will need to be meeting SAP before Financial Aid is offered again.