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Non-Degree Applicants

As a non-degree student, you can take undergraduate or graduate courses from Moody without enrolling in a degree program. If you want to take a class for professional development, get a taste of Moody classes, or transfer credits to graduate college early, non-degree might be right for you!

As an undergraduate non-degree student, you may enroll in up to 18 credit hours. As a graduate non-degree student, you may enroll in up to 12 credit hours, providing that you have met the individual course prerequisite requirements.

If you want to apply to a degree program at Moody in the future, the courses you took as a non-degree student will be evaluated and may transfer towards your degree. Connect with our Academic Records team at to see if your courses will transfer in!


High School and Home School Students

Any homeschooled or high school age student with junior or senior high school status can apply to take college credit courses online through Moody, regardless of age. View the courses in our Pre-College Series, or call (800) 588-8344 for more information.


Non-Degree Application Requirements

To be considered for admission as a non-degree student, you must be a born-again Christian for at least one year prior to application, actively participating in a Protestant, evangelical church and have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in high school or college. In addition, you must also submit the following items:

1. Application for Admission

Complete the online application, selecting 'Non-Degree Seeking' under Program of Study, and pay the nonrefundable $35 application fee.

2. Doctrinal Qualification for Students

To be admitted, students must personally adhere to and support the Doctrinal Qualifications for Students located inside the online application.


Connect with your Counselor

Jackie Garcia

Interested in Online Non-Degree Classes? Connect with Jackie Garcia (Last Names A-K)

Ahnika Boring

Interested in Online Non-Degree Classes? Connect with Ahnika Boring (Last Names L-Z)

Seth Taylor 

Interested in In-Person Non-Degree Classes? Connect with Seth Taylor

Title IX Policy and Complaint Procedure

Moody expects all members of the Moody community to comply with Moody’s Title IX Policy and Complaint Procedures (the “Title IX Policy”), which prohibits and provides an avenue for those who have been the target of or who witness Sex-Based Misconduct, Sex Discrimination, or Retaliation in Moody Education Programs or Activities. Such Programs and Activities are further defined in the Title IX Policy and extend to admission and employment, to the extent applicable. The employee responsible for coordinating Title IX compliance efforts is:

Rachel Campbell

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610
Culbertson 2
(312) 329-2115



Please review the Title IX webpage at the following URL to access the Title IX Policy and for more information and resources related to Sex-Based Misconduct and Sex Discrimination: