Tailor Your Education
When you attend Moody, you can choose from a variety of ways to learn and do ministry outside the classroom.
Study Abroad
Study abroad for a semester and learn about history and cultures around the world. Available study abroad countries include Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Scotland. Locations available are subject to change per year.
![Study Abroad](/siteassets/website_assets/images/academics/global-learning/study_abroad.jpg)
Practical Christian Ministry
Gain hands-on ministry experience through weekly PCM assignments and ministry internships. You’ll get ministry opportunities in churches, youth outreach programs, homeless shelters, community centers, refugee ministries, and more.
![Practical Christian Ministry](/siteassets/website_assets/images/academics/global-learning/field-education.jpg)
Missions Trips
Travel on short-term PCM trips around the world during spring break. In years past, groups of students have served in Utah, Oklahoma's Choctaw Indian Nation, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, England, Israel, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
![Missions Trips](/siteassets/website_assets/images/academics/global-learning/missions.jpg)
Sports Ministry Trips
If you’re on a Moody sports teams, you’ll get to use sports to communicate the good news of Jesus. Moody's athletic teams have ministered in countries all over the world.
![Sports Ministry Trips](/siteassets/website_assets/images/academics/global-learning/sports.jpg)
Music Ensembles
You can join a Moody music ensemble and spread the gospel through concerts in the Chicagoland area. Ensembles include the Moody Chorale, Moody Campus Orchestra, Worship Collectives, MBI Repertory Singers, and the MBI Gospel Ensemble.
![Music Ensembles](/siteassets/website_assets/images/academics/global-learning/music_ensembles.jpg)