Dr. Sorin Sabou
Department:Bible and Theology
School:Undergraduate in Chicago
Start Date:July 2022
Educational Background:
Lic, Theology, Babes-Bolyai University
MA, Philosophy, University of Illinois
MPhil, Philosophy, University of Birmingham
PhD, Theology, London School of Theology
PhD, Philosophy, University of Bucharest -
Happiness and External Goods in Nicomachean Ethics (Pickwick Publications, 2019)
Happiness as Actuality in Nicomachean Ethics (Pickwick Publications, 2018)
Between Horror and Hope: Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6:1-11 (Paternoster, 2005)
The Christian Proclamation as Gospel: The Polemics, Politics, and Praxis of euangelion in the Greco-Roman World of the First Century, Jurnal teologic, 11.1 (2012), pp. 72-81.
'Dead to the Law' in Romans, Pleroma, XI.1 (2009), pp. 49-62.
A Note on Romans 6:5: The Representation (ὁμοίωμα) of His Death, Tyndale Bulletin, 55.2 (2004) pp. 219-229.
Professional / Personal Interests:
Dr. Sabou has 22 years of cross-cultural pastoral and executive leadership experience. His areas of expertise are Apostle Paul, Aristotle, and Alasdair MacIntyre. His current research focuses on the theological understanding of the good of man.