Mikel Del Rosario
Department:Bible and Theology
School:Undergraduate in Chicago
Start Date:July 2022
Personal Information:
Dr. Del Rosario is passionate about helping Christians find clear answers to difficult questions about Christianity so they can better engage culture and explain the faith with courage and compassion. Before coming to Moody, he spent a decade teaching Apologetics and World Religions classes for undergraduate students at William Jessup University in California. He also worked in Cultural Engagement at Dallas Theological Seminary, podcasting and helping students navigate difficult conversations around issues of God and culture. Previously, he led a youth group of Vietnamese refugees in Southern California, mentored college-aged students in the Philippines as a missionary with Converge Worldwide, and served as the Student Ministries Pastor for multicultural youth groups and college students on staff at a church in the Bay Area of California.
Educational Background:
B.A. Communications and Intercultural Studies, Biola University
M.A. Christian Apologetics, Biola University
Th.M Historical Jesus Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Ph.D. Biblical Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary -
Journal Articles
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging Issues of God and Culture." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 178, no. 711, July. 2021, pp. 351-359.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging with Cultural Intelligence." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 178, no. 710, June. 2021, pp. 224–232.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Escaping the Prosperity Gospel and Recovering the Real Gospel." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 178, no. 709, Jan. 2021, pp. 92–99.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Ministering to Generation Z." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 177, no. 708, Oct. 2020, pp. 481–89.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Sharing the Whole Gospel." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 177, no. 707, July 2020, pp. 351–58.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Dialogical Apologetics and Difficult Spiritual Conversations - Part 4." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 177, no. 706, Apr. 2020, pp. 234–40.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Dialogical Apologetics and Difficult Spiritual Conversations - Part 3." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 177, no. 705, Jan. 2020, pp. 106–14.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Dialogical Apologetics and Difficult Spiritual Conversations - Part 2." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 176, no. 704, Oct. 2019, pp. 476–84.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Dialogical Apologetics and Difficult Spiritual Conversations." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 176, no. 703, July 2019, pp. 360–67.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Vocation, and Women in the Workplace." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 176, no. 702, Apr. 2019, pp. 222–32.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Leading with Courage and Compassion." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 176, no. 701, Jan. 2019, pp. 92–100.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Was the Virgin Birth Copied from Myths?" Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 700, no. 175, Oct-Dec 2018, pp. 460–69.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging Challenges to the Reliability of the New Testament." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 175, no. 697, Jan. 2018, pp. 96–105.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging with Atheists and Agnostics." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 175, no. 698, Apr. 2018, pp. 228–37.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Respectfully Engaging World Religions." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 175, no. 699, July 2018, pp. 350–59.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Old Testament." Bibliotheca Sacra 174, no. 696 (October 1, 2017): 460–70.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Ministering to Millennials." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 174, no. 695, July 2017, pp. 343–55.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: The Church's Role in Racial Reconciliation." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 174, no. 694, Apr. 2017, pp. 226–34.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Men and Women Working Together in Ministry." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 174, no. 693, Jan. 2017, pp. 95–108.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Did the Historical Jesus Claim to Be Divine?" Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 173, no. 691, July 2016, pp. 352–62.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Vocation, Faith, and Cultural Engagement." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 173, no. 690, Apr. 2016, pp. 235–43.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Truth and Tone in Cultural Engagement." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 173, no. 689, Jan. 2016, pp. 97–106.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Engaging the LGBT Community with Truth and Love." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 173, no. 692, Oct. 2016, pp. 476–86.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Society." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 172, no. 688, Oct. 2015, pp. 470–81.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Faith, Work, Giftedness, and Your Calling." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 172, no. 687, July 2015, pp. 356–62.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Sexuality and Paul's Transcultural Message in Romans 1:18-32." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 172, no. 686, Apr. 2015, pp. 222–28.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Does Israel Have a Future in God's Program?" Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 172, no. 685, Jan. 2015, pp. 100–07.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: The New Atheism and the Problem of Evil." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 171, no. 684, Oct. 2014, pp. 472–77.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Seven Key Differences between Protestant and Catholic Doctrine." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 171, no. 683, July 2014, pp. 352–59.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: Ministering to Hospital Patients." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 171, no. 682, Apr. 2014, pp. 226–32.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mikel Del Rosario. "The Table Briefing: On the Heart of Islam." Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 171, no. 681, Jan. 2014, pp. 96–103.
Popular Articles
Del Rosario, Mikel. “Was Jesus really any different from all the other miracle workers in his day?” Today in the Word. Vol 34 No. 8. Aug 2024 https://www.todayintheword.org/issues/2024/seeking-answers-the-book-of-job/
Del Rosario, Mikel. "Why Trust Storytelling?" DTS Voice Magazine, Vol 8 No. 3. Fall2022. https://voice.dts.edu/article/why-trust-storytelling/
Del Rosario, Mikel. "Did Luke Mess Up on the Timing of the Christmas Story?" Biola Magazine, 07 December 2014, https://www.biola.edu/blogs/biola-magazine/2014/did-luke-mess-up-on-the-timing-of-the-christmas-st
Del Rosario, Mikel. The Accessible Apologetics Workbook: Five Lessons for Everyday Defenders of the Faith. Apologetics Guy, 2011.
Richard Fountain. Eschatological Relationships and Jesus in Ben F. Meyer, N. T. Wright, and Progressive Dispensationalism. (M. Del Rosario, ed). Wipf and Stock, 2016.
Gould, Paul M., and Richard Brian Davis. Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J.P. Moreland. (M. Del Rosario, ed). Moody Publishers, 2014.
Craig, William Lane. A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible. (M. Del Rosario, ed). Moody Publishers, 2013.
Academic Conference Presentation
Del Rosario, Mikel. "Was Jesus' Claim to Forgive Sins in Mark 2:1-12 Unique in the Ancient World?" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting: Christ in All Scripture. Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA. Nov. 21, 2019.
Podcast Hosting
Del Rosario, Mikel, host. The Table: Issues of God and Culture, Dallas Theological Seminary. Christianity Today Network. https://dts.edu/thetable (2016 – 2022).
Del Rosario, Mikel, host, The Apologetics Guy Show, Christianity Today Network. https://apologeticsguy.com (2022 – present).
Professional / Personal Interests:
Dr. Del Rosario enjoys podcasting, vlogging, entrepreneurship, minimalism, singing, and playing guitar for worship ministry.