Ian Kerrigan
Department:Missionary Aviation Technology
School:Aviation in Spokane
Start Date:Summer 2005
Personal Information:
He grew up as a missionary kid in both Ecuador and Kenya. His ministry background includes volunteering with Peak 7 Adventures, serving as part of the mission committee and as an elder at his church. Mr. Kerrigan's areas of specialization include certified flight instructor, commercial pilot, and wilderness first responder.
Educational Background:
BSMAT, Moody Bible Institute
Airframe and Powerplant Technician
Commerical Pilot, Instrument Rated, Airplane Single Engine Land/Sea
Flight Instructor, Airplane Single Engine Instrument
FAA Part 141 Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
Wilderness First Responder -
Professional / Personal Interests:
He enjoys whitewater rafting, hiking, mountain biking, and spending time with his family.