Bradley Baurain
Department:Applied Theology and Church Ministries
School:Undergraduate in Chicago, Graduate/Seminary in Chicago
Start Date:August 2015
Personal Information:
Bradley Baurain has taught for more than 30 years in China, Vietnam, Canada, and the United States. He is currently leading the undergraduate TESOL program at Moody, and is the president-elect of the Christian English Language Educators Association (CELEA). He has also been editing or writing for Moody's Today in the Word devotional since 1993.
Educational Background:
ABS, Moody Bible Institute
BA, Wheaton College
MA, University of Illinois at Chicago
PhD, University of Nebraska -
Books and Book Chapters:
Religious Faith and Teacher Knowledge in English Language Teaching, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
“Putting Beliefs Into Practice in a Church-Run Adult ESOL Ministry,” In Christian Faith and English Language Teaching and Learning: Research on the Interrelationship of Religion and ELT, edited by Mary Shepard Wong, Carolyn Kristjánsson, and Zoltán Dörnyei. New York: Routledge, 2013.
“Cross-Cultural Moral Explorations in Plagiarism,” In Voices, Identities, Negotiations, and Conflicts: Writing Academic English Across Cultures, co-edited with Phan Le Ha, Emerald, 2011.
Multilevel and Diverse Classrooms, co-edited with Phan Le Ha, Bingley: Emerald, 2011.
Multilevel and Diverse Classrooms, co-edited with Phan Le Ha, Alexandria: TESOL, 2010.
On Waiting Well: Moving From Endurance to Enjoyment When You're Waiting on God. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2020.
Baurain, B. (2017). Imitating the humility of Christ in language teaching. In C. Pierson & W. Bankston (Eds.), Thinking theologically about language teaching: Christian perspectives on an educational calling(pp. 107-133). Cumbria, UK: Langham.
Baurain, B. On Waiting Well: Moving from Endurance to Enjoyment When You're Waiting on God. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2020.
Articles:"Authoring Teacher Development in a Graduate Seminar in Vietnam." TESL-EJ 17, no. 3 (Fall 2013).
"Beliefs Into Practice: A Religious Inquiry Into Teacher Knowledge." Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 11, no. 5 (2012).
"Teaching, Listening, and Generative Silence." Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 27, no. 3 (Fall 2011).
"Common Ground With A Common Faith: Dewey's Idea of the 'Religious'." Education and Culture 27, no. 2 (2011).
"Morality, Relationality, and Listening Pedagogy in Language Education." International Journal of Listening 25, no. 3 (2011).
“Course Design and Teacher Development in Vietnam: A Diary Project,” TESOL Journal 1, (2010).
“The Aesthetic Classroom and the Beautiful Game,” Journal of Aesthetic Education 44, no. 2, (Summer 2010).
“Christian Witness and Respect for Persons,” Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 6, no. 3 (2007).
“Small Group Multitasking in Literature Classes,” ELT Journal 61, no. 3 (2007).
Farrell, T.S.C., Baurain, B., & Lewis, M. (2020). “We teach who we are”: Contemplation, reflective practice and spirituality in TESOL. RELC Journal, 51(3), 337-346. DOI: 10.1177/0033688220915647
Devotionals:“Book of James,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, February 2019.
“Treasure in Scripture,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, June 2019.
“Exodus,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, October 2019.
“Who is this Jesus? Christology,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, December 2019.
“Enter In: Doors and Gates in Scripture,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, March 2020.
“When God Works Through Failure,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, June 2020.
“Living in Hope: A Study of Advent,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, December 2020.
“Found Faithful: 1 and 2 Thessalonians,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, May 2021.
“Following the Good Shepherd,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, July 2021.
“From the Palace to the Desert: The Life of Moses,” Today in the Word. Chicago: Moody, October 2021.
Professional / Personal Interests:
Brad and his wife, Julia, have four children. His interests include reading great literature, photography, classical and post-rock music, soccer, seafood, and keeping up with former students.