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Timothy Scarbrough
Tim Scarbrough is a Professor of Counseling at Moody Theological Seminary–Michigan. He is a native of West Virginia and retired from the U.S. Navy after serving 21 years as a Cryptologist and Navy Counselor. He taught counseling and psychology classes as an Adjunct for two years before assuming his current position as Assistant Professor. -
Timothy Sisk
Tim grew up in Japan as an MK and then as an adult served in church planting and theological education in Japan and Bolivia. -
Scholarships & Grants - Graduate Students | Moody Bible Institute
The process for receiving institutional and external scholarships for graduate students can be found here, including the Timothy Scholarship. Review the details and application processes here. -
Ryan Cook
Pastor, Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Ludington Mich. (2004-2009); Bible Teacher, Northpointe Christian Schools, Grand Rapids, Mich. (2002-2004), Teaching Intern, Asbury Theological Seminary (2010-2012) -
'I Just Want Them to Know My Savior'
Paul (center), a junior Biblical Studies major, teaches Russian speakers (left to right) Valeriya, Gregori, Chaisa, and Alla in a conversational English class run by a Moody Practical Christian Ministry near the Chicago campus. Each Monday night, a group of elderly Jewish residents gathers in the lobby of their apartment building near... -
Shining Light in a Dark World -
A Light in the Darkness
On a Sunday afternoon at the South Asian Friendship Center, the sounds of a drum, tambourines, and handheld shakers ring out as several Moody students sit on the carpeted floor singing Hindi/Urdu worship songs with Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh women. One of the Muslims is a seeker, eager to “learn about the Jesus from the Bible,... -
Remote Learning -
Opening Doors in a Closed Country -
(Eternal) Life Coaching